Food For Thought, a project set up by the Projects team from UNSW’s Medical Students Aid Project, has been successful and is currently running on its second year. This project focuses on developing a strong connection with a small rural community near Nadiad in Eastern Gujarat, India.

AIMS of the project

The 5 aims are to:

  1. Provide nutritional supplementation
  2. Cultivate safe eating practices, such as hand washing before and after meals
  3. Provide a basic health education
  4. Incentivise the education of rural children
  5. Set foundations for a long-lasting relationship between MSAP and this community of school children in Nadiad to enable MSAP to expand the project in the future

We hope to expand the project to include another school in 2017.

To learn more about the inception of this project and its progress since, check out our Food for Thought blog by clicking the link below

Food For Thought is quickly gaining momentum but we need support to sustain this program. Any support is valued and appreciated! To donate, simply click below